About the Journal
The Arthur Miller Journal aims to reach the many audiences who both read Arthur Miller’s dramatic and non-dramatic work and attend productions of his plays. Thus, the journal’s target audience is wide, ranging from experts in Miller scholarship, academics interested in American and world drama, theatre professionals, graduate and undergraduate students exploring Miller, and theatre-goers. AMJ covers the subject areas/disciplines of English language arts, American literature, American drama, and American and world theatre and theatre arts. The Arthur Miller Journal is also of interest to political and cultural historians because of Arthur Miller’s stature as a political figure and celebrity.

Join the Arthur Miller Society
The journal is affiliated with the Arthur Miller Society, whose primary aim is to promote the study of Arthur Miller and his work and provide a lasting legacy to Arthur Miller’s significant contributions to American drama. Members can attend scheduled meetings of the society (these usually take place at ALA as well as during the conferences that the society organizes), and speak and vote on society issues. They will also receive announcements of the society’s activities, and copies of the Arthur Miller Journal. Members are encouraged to participate in a variety of Conferences for which the society organizes panels, and whenever possible, to promote the study of Arthur Miller and his work, by facilitating performances, scholarship, primary and secondary publications, and general interest.