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Journals from Penn State University Press

Featured Journals

Cover of Pennsylvania History
Cover of the the Cormac McCarthy Journal
Cover of Utopian Studies
Cover of Preternature

About Penn State University Press

The journals department at PSU Press has been dedicated to the publication of current scholarship through its journals division since the 1960s. The journals program serves to disseminate the results of original research in the form of new information, interpretations, or methods of analysis in core fields of the humanities and social sciences.

The Pennsylvania State University Press
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University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-1327
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Welcome to PSU Press Unlocked, our new open access initiative. Since 1956, PSU Press has contributed to scholarly discourse by publishing learned, relevant, first-class works for academics and the general public. The open access humanities and social sciences titles found here continue that tradition and reaffirm our commitment to disseminating vital scholarship as widely as possible.


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PSU Press provides a full range of services to our publishing partners, allowing them more time to acquire the best and most current scholarship in their discipline. Our services are tailored to the unique needs of each publication and organization. Our staff takes pride in our experience, customer service, and individual attention at all levels.

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