Guerreras en escena: Paula Iwasaki y la ‘nueva’ voz de las heroínas clásicas
Esther Fernández (Ph.D., University of California, Davis) is Assistant Professor od Medieval and Early Modern Spanish Studies at Rice University. Her interests include eroticism in the Spanish comedia; visual and material culture; and performance analysis of classical drama in contemporary adaptations. SShe is the author of Eros en escena: Erotismo en el teatro del Siglo de Oro (Juan de la Cuesta, 2009) and the editor of Don Gil de las calzas verdes (2013) and El perro del hortelano (2011). Additionally, she has co-edited Diálogos en las tablas: Últimas tendencias de la puesta en escena del teatro clásico español (Reichenberger, 2014)..
Juan Hernando Vázquez teaches at the American School of Barcelona. His focus is in Memory Studies in Contemporary Spanish Theatre; moral philosophy; identity and marginalization; and performance analysis of contemporary theater. He is working on a paper about memory and theater as a work in progress in “El triángulo azul” by Laila Ripoll and Mariano Llorente, and another one analyzing the fragmentation of memory in “Ligeros de equipaje” by Jesús Arbués.
Paula Iwasaki, Esther Fernández, Juan Hernando Vázquez; Guerreras en escena: Paula Iwasaki y la ‘nueva’ voz de las heroínas clásicas. Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies / Revista de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades 1 November 2018; 44 (2): 109–118. doi:
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