One of the most ubiquitous uses of the term “red pill” from the 1999 film The Matrix is associated with the right.1 On online networks, “taking the red pill” broadly refers to beginning to see that universities, corporations, churches and other religious organizations, and even the military reflect the hegemony of the left. On the social media network Gab, which is fiercely dedicated to free speech and thus has become a home to many on the right, a search for “red pill” yielded not only hashtags but people posting under titles like “Red Pill Times” and “Red Pilled Nation,” as well as groups that include “Red Pill 101,” “Red Pill Help & Resources,” and “Red Pill Recon.”2 In other words, “red pill,” taken from the neo-gnostic film The Matrix, is firmly established as referring to those who “are awake and fighting for our religious and constitutional freedoms,”...

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