How Fares Marx in the Twenty-First Century?
Stipe Grgas is the Chair of the American Studies program at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. In addition to American studies, his fields of interest are the contemporary American novel, Irish literature and culture, human spatiality, and the new economic criticism. His publications include Nietzsche i Yeats (Nietzsche and Yeats) (1989), Ispisivanje prostora: čitanje suvremenog američkog romana (Writing space: reading the contemporary American novel) (2000), Kažnjavanje forme: irsko pjesništvo poslije Yeatsa (Punishing form: Irish poetry after Yeats) (2006) and Američki studiji danas: identitet, kapital, spacijalnost (American studies today; identity, capital, spatiality) (2014). He has twice served as president of the Croatian Association for English Studies and is currently president of the Croatian Association of American Studies and the Regional Association of American Studies.
Stipe Grgas; How Fares Marx in the Twenty-First Century?. CR: The New Centennial Review 1 November 2018; 18 (3): 37–52. doi:
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