The present study investigated the relationship between cultural competence, multicultural self-efficacy, and ethnic identity among professional counselors (n = 172). Researchers found a moderate positive correlation between cultural competence and multicultural ethnic identity, r = .41, p < .01, and between ethnic identity and multicultural self-efficacy, r = .31, p < .01. Additionally, there was a large positive correlation between cultural competency and multicultural self-efficacy, r = .61, p < .01. Finally, results from a hierarchical multiple regression indicated that ethnic identity and multicultural self-efficacy accounted for 42.4% of the variance in multicultural counseling competence after controlling for social desirability, F(3, 159) = 38.99, p < .001. Discussion of the results, implications for the counseling profession, and areas for future research are explored.
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April 01 2018
Examining the Relationships Between Multicultural Counseling Competence, Multicultural Self-Efficacy, and Ethnic Identity Development of Practicing Counselors
Jennifer J. Matthews;
Jennifer J. Matthews
Jennifer J. Matthews, Department of Counseling, Oakland University
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jennifer J. Matthews, Department of Counseling, Oakland University, 450G Pawley Hall, Rochester, MI 48309. E-mail: [email protected]
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Journal of Mental Health Counseling (2018) 40 (2): 129–141.
Jennifer J. Matthews, Sejal Mehta Barden, Renee S. Sherrell; Examining the Relationships Between Multicultural Counseling Competence, Multicultural Self-Efficacy, and Ethnic Identity Development of Practicing Counselors. Journal of Mental Health Counseling 1 April 2018; 40 (2): 129–141. doi:
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